Sunday, June 3, 2018

The Rewards of Old Files - Historical Goldmine

I spent the morning looking at all the unpublished stuff I've written over the years. So much I still like and will continue
to fine tune and tinker with as you would a beloved car or home, but the majority I guess, will stay buried from most eyes. Probably best. 

However, I did rediscover an old email file from the 1995-2000 period and once again realized I had a goldmine of personal communication for a memoir someday, beginning with 1995 at the onset of Email and the Internet, and my amazing year in Southeast Asia.

Historically, 1995 is when the information highway online exploded and took off worldwide. Nothing in the computer world has been the same ever since. How we read, how we purchase books and other merchandise, how we research, how we access the news, how we communicate at work and home were all affected, so much so, that the 'before period' is almost unbelievable today.

BTW, 1995 is also the year The Shells of Mersing is set. It's neat when life comes together in the real and fictional world and makes you part of history .  Just had to mention that because I am forever fond of the characters and settings in this book.

Cleaning old files has its rewards (in my case, keeping), but with it, comes some responsibility. Taking time to relate your experience during historical periods to family members can be meaningful and helpful to future generations, especially those studying history. Not everyone is a history buff, but trust me, there is at least one in your family. Honestly, I'm sorry I didn't have the history bug when I was younger. I missed some fabulous stories, I'm sure.