Resources for Writers

That's me at six years old. 
(I still love horses) 


Think of setting as a place 
you visited once for real. How 
did it make you feel? What do 
you remember most? Let your
imagination fill in the blanks.

Here is something cute I created for setting. Feel free to use:

(A Library presentation for teens: July 2009)

From author's postcard collection - Norwegian elves "Up to Mischief"


Ever wonder what these mean? Check out this handy list.

AH - Alternate History (author alters history at POD)
ARC - Advance Reader Copy
CB - Chapter Book

CP - Critique Partner
ER - Easy Reader
HEA - Happily Ever After
IM - Internal Monologue
IMO - In My Opinion
LI - Love Interest
MC - Main Character
MG - Middle Grade
MS - Manuscript
NA - New Adult
NanoWriMo - National November Writing Month
NF - Nonfiction
OMNI - Omniscient
OTT - Over the Top (Melodramatic)
PB - Picture Book
POD - Point of Divergence (where 2 outcomes exist)
POD - Print on Demand
POV - Point of View
PW - Publisher's Weekly

ROI - Return on Investment
RUE - Resist the Urge To Explain
RWA - Romance Writers of America
SCBWI - Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators
SF/F - Science Fiction / Fantasy
SFR - Science Fiction Romance
SNI - Shiny New Idea
TBR - To Be Read (Pile of Books)
WIP - Work In Progress
YA - Young Adult

From author's photo collection - The Nene is Hawaii's state bird - Maui

Some Helpful Websites and Links:

Young Adult Books Central (Find reviews of current YA books, including reviews by teens.)
Word count tools - a word and character count tool, including readability of text
Story Starters: 

(Author's office). You need a space to write.

Essential Books

--The Goof-Proofer by Stephen J. Manhard
--The Elements of Style by William Strunk and E.B. White
--A Manual for Writers by Kate L. Turabian

Research the Grizzly Details

Online Help for Mystery/Crime Writers:

Working with the FBI
Working with weapons
Homicide checklist for writers
Crime scene forensics
Crimes & Clues

 Words, Words, Words....
Teen Slang and Phrases (for parents and clueless teens)
Texting Slang (for parents and clueless teens)
Random Word Generator (when you can't find right word)
 75+ Funny Words

Sharon M. Himsl, Writer / Author
          Published: Evernight Teen
The Shells of Mersing

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